Rabu, 27 Maret 2013


Promotion is essentially a marketing communication, means of marketing activities that seek to spread information, influence / persuade, or remind the target market and the company and its products to be willing to accept, purchase, and loyal to the products offered by the company concerned, Tjiptono (2001: 219).

The purpose of the company doing the promotion by Tjiptono (2001: 221) is informing, persuading and reminding subcribers about the company and its marketing mix. Sistaningrum (2002: 98) explains the purpose of the promotion is four things, namely to introduce ourselves, persuade, modification and shaping behavior and product recalls and the company concerned.

In principle between the two are the same, they both explained when the product is new it is necessary to introduce or inform the customer that there is a new product today that is not inferior to the old product. Once consumers discover new products, consumers are expected to be affected and persuaded that switching to these products. And in the end, the company just remind that the product is still good to eat. This is done because of the many attacks come from competitors. In order to effectively promoting the need for the promotion mix, which is the optimal combination for different types of activities or selection of the most effective promotional activities to increase sales.

There are four types of promotional activities, among others: (Kotler, 2001:98-100)
  1. Advertising, a form of non-personal promotion by using a variety of media aimed to stimulate purchases.
  2. Personal Selling, which is a personal form of promotion by an oral presentation in a conversation with a prospective buyer who intended to stimulate purchases.
  3. Publisity, a form of non-personal promotion of the service, or a particular business entity with the way this information / mostly scientific.
  4. Sales Promotion, which is a form of promotion beyond the three forms above are intended to stimulate purchases.
  5. Direct Marketing, a form of personal selling directly intended to influence consumer purchases.

Sales Promotion

Promotional sales are sales activities that short term and not be repeated and irregular, with the intention of encouraging consumer desire to try or buy the goods / services offered. Sales promotion is a key element in the marketing campaign is a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, which design to stimulate the purchase of products or services more quickly and large consumers or merchants.

Sales promotion campaigns often called just now more accepted top management as an effective sales tool, more product managers are eligible to use sales promotion tools, and product managers face greater pressure to increase current sales. Moreover, the number of brands has increased, competitors often use promotions, many brands being equal, consumers increasingly beririentasi prices, the trade has menuntu more bids cooperation of manufacturers and advertising efficiency has declined because of rising costs and legal restrictions.

Sales promotion includes tools for consumer promotion (samples, coupons, offers refunds, discounts, premiums, gifts, subscriptions, free trials, warranties, related promotions, cross promotions, displays and demonstrations at the store where purchased); trade promotion (discounted pricing, advertising and display allowances, and free goods), and business and sales promotion (for example, trade shows and conventions, contests for sales, advertising and special).

Promotional purposes include:
  1. Disseminating product information to potential target markets
  2. To get higher sales and profit / earnings
  3. To get new customers and maintain customer loyalty
  4. To maintain stability in the event of sluggish sales market
  5. Differentiate and favor products than competitors' products
  6. Forming the product image in the eyes of consumers as desired.
  7. Changing the attitudes and opinions of consumers.

Example for promotion :
  1. He made promotion when the day of grand launching his shop,, customers would pay one for two of all items.
  2. Yesterday he gave promotion for customers, if you bought 2 slices of cheese cake you would get 30% discount.
  3. Last Saturday there was promotion from his bakery if you paid a million rupiahs, you got 10% discount.
  • Present Tense
  1. Sistaningrum (2002: 98) explains the purpose of the promotion is four things, namely to introduce ourselves, persuade, modification and shaping behavior and product recalls and the company concerned.
  2. There are four types of promotional activities, among others: (Kotler, 2001:98-100).
  3. Personal Selling, which is a personal form of promotion by an oral presentation in a conversation with a prospective buyer who intended to stimulate purchases
  4. Publisity, a form of non-personal promotion of the service, or a particular business entity with the way this information / mostly scientific.
  5. Sales Promotion, which is a form of promotion beyond the three forms above are intended to stimulate purchases.
  6. Sales promotion is a key element in the marketing campaign is a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, which design to stimulate the purchase of products or services more quickly and large consumers or merchants.
  7. In principle between the two are the same, they both explained when the product is new it is necessary to introduce or inform the customer that there is a new product today that is not inferior to the old product
  8. And in the end, the company just remind that the product is still good to eat.
  9. Sales promotion includes tools for consumer promotion (samples, coupons, offers refunds, discounts, premiums, gifts, subscriptions, free trials, warranties, related promotions, cross promotions, displays and demonstrations at the store where purchased); trade promotion (discounted pricing, advertising and display allowances, and free goods), and business and sales promotion (for example, trade shows and conventions, contests for sales, advertising and special).
  10. This is done because of the many attacks come from competito
                    • Past Tense
                    1. After costumers knew about new products, consumers were expected to be affected and persuaded that switching to these products
                    2. One day before he opened his bakery, he made promotion and gave people the sample of his product.
                    3. He made promotion when the day of grand launching his shop,, customers would pay one for two of all items.
                    4. Yesterday he gave promotion for customers, if you bought 2 slices of cheese cake you would get 30% discount.
                    5. Last Saturday there was promotion from his bakery if you paid a million rupiahs, you got 10% discount.

                    Reference :
                    • http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promosi_(pemasaran)
                    • http://beritawonganteng.blogspot.com/2010/05/promosi-penjualan-sales-promotion.html
                    • http://jurnal-sdm.blogspot.com/2009/08/strategi-promosi-penjualan-definisi.html

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